Putting the pro in procastrination.

1 minute read

I find it deeply amusing that with tests right around the corner, my mind likes to focus on anything but my study material. Take this for example, I'm actually writing something because I don't want to study (even my glorified "inspiring" table lamp doesn't seem to help at this point). I've been scrolling endlessly through my Facebook feed, even crossing the point where I am uninterestedly re-reading posts.

The thing is, being on the slightly quieter side, people naturally assume I'm an extremely smart or hard-working student (or both), but the truth being I'm none. I remember at one point of my student life in school, stressing on not being clear to the answers of a question or two from the whole portion. Now, though, I'm more than glad, when I nod my head in conversations related to studies, and seem to pass of as a person who understands what's going on.

Demotivated, and looking for fresh inspiration, I look across the room at my roommate, only to see him using his humongous unopened mathematics textbook as a perfect laptop stand.

I close my books, and finally give in to accepting that I'm not going to study.

Image from: Here

(P.S: Mom and Dad if you're reading this, please don't worry, I'll pass this semester.)
