What keeps us going?

1 minute read

Perhaps for some, life is a breeze. As easy as a walk down your favorite lane, or as comforting as enjoying the sun spill over a clear sky. Unfortunately for most of us, this sunset is riddled with inexplainable clouds. Clouds of pain, misery and doubt, that act as temporary hurdles from seeing the prettier picture.

I hate these clouds, as most of us probably do. They come as they like, unhurriedly and unexpectedly, smirking at the sunset. And then there are storms. Days where everything goes wrong, and you feel like you won't feel the warmth of the sun play on your skin again.

So what really keeps you going? Why believe that the sun will come out at all? Perhaps it's your family, that will always love you to bits, embracing your clouds as theirs. Friends, that will go out of their way to try to blow these clouds away. Remembering that you can feel the sunset, in the work you do, where you feel you truly belong. It could be the trip you have always wanted to do, finding the comfort in your favourite food, or a long walk by yourself. Life is pretty when we brave the clouds and storms thrown at us.

The sun will rise again tomorrow, and perhaps the clouds will fade by when it sets.
