Cringe, Squirm and Delete.

1 minute read

Image result for facepalm
Image from: Here

Over the last few months, I've been deleting several old photos and posts I've put up across the realms of the Internet. Posts in which I thought replying with 'thxxx', would put across a much cooler person to the world. Photos which I can't look at without imagining what my peanut brain must have thought of while posting it, with captions that would put leading writers to shame.

I mean clearly OneRepublic is an astounding band, but did I really need to share their songs all over my Google+ feed, exposing my amazing music choice to my collosal following of 115 (not counting the ones I lost after putting those posts up), and what was the need to make an album on Facebook of the time I went to the aquarium, that included a photo of a scrawny kid awkwardly smiling at the camera, as the flash from the camera not only blinded the fish behind him, but made them disappear from the photo due to the reflection of the light off the glass.

But I tell myself not to worry because I'm not alone in this, for out there right now, another child has just uploaded a photo with a caption that would include a variety of words such as 'u' and 'roxx'; continuously refreshing their page to check for any new likes, and I can only watch, as they build up blackmail material against themselves.
